Thursday, May 20, 2010

Garden update

As you can see our garden is doing pretty well our spinach didn't come up but we are getting plenty of beans. Our melons seem to be doing well but something besides boys are eating our blueberries!

Rattlesnake beans

tea plant


Lazy housewife beans




  1. Bad news on the spinach, but otherwise it sounds great! Can't wait til the solution of the berry mystery.

  2. Lucky... you guys are getting beans already. Everything looks great, too! We have a hard time with greens down here, too. We can grow chard, but aphids (and therefore, butt-sucking ants) love it and it gets nibbled on a bit. It seems to be about time to get some diatomacious earth to fix that. Maybe a cold frame would help with the spinach next year? I'd love to know if you try one. I'm thinking about getting the hubs to build a small one.
