Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lets live within our means

Our economic system based on constant growth, which is composed of us selling each other things with money borrowed from China and given to Saudi Arabia to drive us to the stores in our SUV’s was and is doomed to collapse.

Any rational person looking at this system of finance we created should realize that it is doomed to fail. We borrow money from our biggest global competitor for resources to give it to an unstable monarchy of a country were the populace really does not like us.

We have outsourced our production capabilities in search of the all mighty dollar with out regard to the good of our country. Short term monetary gain has won out over long term stability and prosperity.

We have short changed our schools, transportation system and created an unsustainable infrastructure based on cheap oil. Once oil prices reached $100 a barrel people did not want to buy the McMansions that were built an hour away from their jobs. Our SUV’s became to costly to use for our long commutes and our homes that were built with out regard for the local climate became too expensive to heat and cool.

We stopped buying the McMansions and SUV’s and started to do something we haven’t done in decades, to live with in our means. This is what caused the current recession and what will cause the next one as we forget about the fact that oil production has its limits and we have passed the global oil peak.

Am I saying that the world is ending? No, I am saying that we have to rethink our economic system. Our current Wal-Mart economy which is based on over sea manufacture, job outsourcing and oil intensive distribution networks is outmoded.

We have concentrate on a more local economy, with goods and services produced in our towns and cities. We need to have walkable city centers and a rail system capable of carrying passengers across the country. Basically we need to return to a 1950’s economic system.

The world is changing and can shape the future or be shaped by it. The choice is ours.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Getting ready for the New Year

The family Pendergrass is making a commitment in 2010 to live our life differently. We are wanting to become more than just blind consumers, who exploit other people and our environment in order to have cheap meaningless stuff.

I intend for this blog to chart our progress or lack thereof on our journey to a more meaningful lifestyle.